Levelling Up Health
Launch on 9 April 2021
The APPG for Longevity was delighted that Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Care, Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, and Henry Dimbleby, leading National Food Strategy, spoke in support of the launch of Levelling Up Health.
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on our country, exposing our nation’s poor health and our health inequalities - 90% of those who died with Covid had significant prior poor health. A new healthcare system is essential to confront how unhealthy we are. The report sets out why this is needed and what should be done. It proposes a 10 Year Health Improvement Plan, and new Health Improvement Fund, a shift in political attitudes that have impeded progress, clear priorities for action and the need to challenge and change organisations that harm our children and our health.
All of society and all parties must seize the moment to improve our health, we show how.
What the Community is saying about Levelling Up Health:
‘Just read this report – absolutely brilliant. Straight to the point. Evidenced. A call to action.’ Max Jones, Managing Partner, Agilisys
‘ The event was extremely informative and gave a great deal of confidence to us as a charity. We feel assured that significant consideration will be given to the voluntary sector and the part it can play in the delivery of preventative support and services. Congratulations on the report.’ Melanie Wicklen, Chief Executive, Age UK Cambridgeshire
“Thank you for your work on this excellent and timely report...the timing of this couldn’t be better. I welcome the framing and the approach taken in this report, it is exactly the right one. I also agree with the five priorities you have chosen. We want to level up life, and you can only level up life by levelling up life expectancy. And for me, improving the disparities in healthy life expectancy is absolutely at the core of our levelling up agenda”
“I think this is an excellent report....a very strong emphasis on place..... we must really be looking in the places where problems are greatest.”
“It is a fantastic report - a real breath of fresh air... it begins to challenge fundamental misconceptions among decision-makers and the general public about why our food system is making us sick...”
“Levelling up Health is essential – places with the worst health had Covid death rates five times higher than others. This excellent report sets out what we all must do. It will need support across society and from all political parties. Labour will challenge government to make this a priority and to do what it takes”
Key Projects
Supporting the Levelling Up Health Agenda
Business for health
A Business Coalition for a Healthier Nation was one of the key recommendations of The Health of the Nation Strategy published in February 2020.
‘Business for Health’ -as it is now called- has been set up as a community interest company and was launched on 11 November in collaboration with MADWorld as part of Longevity Week. It is supported with funding from Legal & General, Phoenix Group, AXA Health, UK Research & Innovation, Centre for Ageing Better and Health Foundation. More details are on the website here.
It is a business-led coalition of socially responsible employers, purchasers, investors and innovators. Its aim is to enhance the health and economic resilience of the UK, catalysing and facilitating business contributions to reduce health inequalities and add five years to healthy life expectancy.
Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Care, says: “I am delighted that a Business Coalition for a Healthier Nation is being formed – as employers, investors and innovators, business will make vital contributions to reduce future pandemic risks through prevention, improve healthy life expectancy and build economic resilience in communities across our nation. If this pandemic has taught us anything it's that our health and prosperity are completely interlinked. I look forward to working with them in the future.”
Business for Health CIC is seen as valuable by two related government initiatives - the UK Longevity Council and the Government’s Ageing Society Grand Challenge with its £300m investment fund to maximise business contributions to HLE+5.
The coalition is supported by a growing number of business and academic leaders:
Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever who has since co -founded Imagine, a business collective for global systems change, supports the Coalition and says: “Absolutely crucial what you are starting”.
Professor Baron Peter Piot KCMG, Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Founding Executive Director of UNAIDS; Special Advisor to the President of the European Commission on research and innovation for Covid-19, supports our work too. He says: ”Covid-19 illustrates how important it is to prevent the development of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease through healthy lifestyles. We live in a completely obesogenic environment. In order to have a better future for everybody, we need to not only work on our own health but also respect the health of the planet. A risk management framework for health like we have in place for climate change seems essential.”
How to get involved
We are keen to hear from organisations who’d like to get involved in furthering the mission of ‘Business for Health’. Please join our Register of Interest here and we will get in touch.
To inform Business for Health we held a series of online round tables on 5th, 11th, 14th and 19th May in collaboration with our strategic partner Longevity Leaders.
The Wrap-Up Summary on the final day of Longevity Leaders Virtual Conference on the 22nd May communicated core themes, ideas and areas of consensus from these Round Tables and outlined ‘What Next’. You can view the webinar below. The full report of the four round tables and summary can be accessed here.
Strategic Partner
Business Coalition for Healthier Longer Lives
Open Life Data
The APPG has formed an expert group, the ‘Open Life Data Task Group’, chaired by Lord O’Shaughnessy, to define what is needed to establish an open health system, drawing from other models like our Open Banking system and standards to harness data-intensive technologies to extend - and make more equal - the healthy longevity of British citizens across their life course. This was a key recommendation of The Health of the Nation Strategy published in February 2020. See key papers from Gavin Starks, Taking Open Banking to Open Life, and Annemarie Naylor, Harnessing the Potential of Data to Deliver a Longevity Dividend.
Two task groups took place, on 2 November and 27 November, and these informed our responses (see here) submitted to the National Data Strategy consultation that closed on 9 December 2020. We are aiming to develop a framework by September 2021.
The overall goals of the task group are:
explore how data-intensive technologies could make a positive contribution the health, wellbeing and life chances of all people equitably.
propose solutions for innovating, scaling-up and leveraging these technologies across the private, public and academic sectors.
ensure that digital health infrastructure and innovation support is fairly distributed and resilient, reducing inequalities in co-creation, access and outcomes.
build public trust in the use of data for individual and collective health and social care purposes.
We launched The Health of the Nation: A Strategy for Healthier Longer Lives on 12th February with the support of Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health & Care (see his speech on GOV.UK)
See Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Care, Damian Green MP and APPGL chair, Tina Woods and Geoff Filkin, APPGL co-leaders and report co-authors, speak at our launch event
More than 500 came to the launch hosted by Ageing Research at King’s College London to hear the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, our chair Damian Green MP, our co-leaders and report co-authors Lord Filkin and Tina Woods, together with Professor Sir Robert Lechler, Senior Vice President/Provost (Health) and Executive Director of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre; Jennifer Dixon of The Health Foundation; Andy Briggs of The Longevity Council; Jon Ashworth, Shadow Secretary of State for Health; Lord Kerslake, Lord O’Shaughnessy, and many distinguished others.
read the keynote speech by Rt Hon Matt hancock mp, secretary of state for health and care
listen to keynote speech and Interview with Rt Hon Matt hancock mp, secretary of state for health and care
Below are interviews giving perspectives on the launch of The Health of the Nation
2021 Programme
22 February: Open Life Data Working Group 1
9 April: Levelling Up Health Launch
26 April: Annual General Meeting- see minutes here
26 April: Open Life Data Working Group 2
5 May: Business and Levelling Up Health, Healthspan Conference (see here).
Round tables for Business Index development (see here)
[Virtual community event tbc]
Round tables for Business Index development (see here)
Open Life Data Working Group 3
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Business Index Framework development
Open Life Data Framework consultation
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Business Index Framework publication and launch
Open Life Data Framework publication and launch
APPG Meeting
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[Virtual community event tbc]
[Virtual community event tbc]